Healthy Bodies. Active Minds.

Our work at Meals on Wheels of Ocean County goes beyond filling basic nutritional needs. We also play an important role in helping our seniors live active, meaningful lives. The Meals on Wheels and Community Cafe programs serve all of Ocean County, but our Outreach Services are limited to seniors living in Jackson, Lakewood, Plumsted, Point Pleasant Borough and Beach, and the non-Brick and Toms River shore areas from Bay Head to South Seaside Park.

We provide a diverse range of health, wellness, educational and outreach services, including:

Information & Assistance: We assist frail, elderly seniors with their benefits paperwork, and link them to other agencies that offer services that they need. Trained staff provide information, assistance and referrals regarding programs and services for seniors and their caregivers.

Assessments: In home eligibility assessments and reassessments for Meals on Wheels participants.

For Outreach Services call 848-288-9900 or email